Friday, May 20, 2016

Laughing When They Fart, Will Make Them Love You More

The struggle is real, for couples in a new relationship. For the first few months at least, every time they sleep over, it’s a battle to the death with your mind and your stomach. You go out of your way, not to hit up your favorite Mexican joint at lunch, and you stock up on antacids and anything else that may help you keep your back end in check. I mean everyone farts, but that’s a serious level of comfort in a relationship, and for some a deal breaker if it happens to soon. For some it’s about manners, and for others it’s just about the fact that it’s well…kind of gross.

You imagine the worst possible scenarios: You’re making out and it’s getting hot and heavy. Clothes are starting to shed, and things are about to happen, when out of nowhere you get that feeling. Your stomach tightens up, you hear a little gurgle, and in that moment you know, you have to let one go. You squeeze and squeeze, trying to keep it in, but your best effort to stop it is futile, and a quiet little squeak sneaks out. “Oh God”, you think to yourself, “Did they hear that?” You start sweating, thinking back to that burrito you had at lunch. You don’t want to ruin the moment, so you try to block it out, but you just can’t help imagining that invisible gas that is slowly filling the air around you. As they start kissing down your stomach, you start praying to God it doesn’t smell. Its pure torture as you wait, one minute, then two, then three minutes go by. You don’t smell anything, but do they? Finally at about the 4 minute point you feel confident that your little slip has gone undetected and continue on your way. You dodged a bullet that time, but it will happen again.

It’s inevitable that with time in a relationship, one of you are going to break that seal. It could be anywhere. We all hope that fateful moment is not at the dinner table when they meet your parents, but hey, things happen. We convince ourselves that the key is to keep them from sharing that embarrassing moment with you, for as long as possible. Let’s face it though, in reality that’s can be a painful thing to do. You wake up in the morning with that inevitable urge, your partner sleeping next to you and you fight it back. Then comes another and you fight that back to, and by three or four attempts your stomach is in knots. You stare at the bedroom door, planning your escape, but she’s cuddled up in your arms. You don’t want to wake her, so you suffer through it. Finally she gets up to pee, and as soon as you hear the bathroom door shut, you let loose the dogs of war. You have to be honest, in that moment, farting is the greatest feeling in the world.

I like the rest of us, I was the same way with my girlfriend. I unfortunately have a bit of a flatulence problem, and more often than not, they don’t smell nice. The way my girlfriend is about her own bodily functions, only made it that much worse. She’s that girl that likes to pretend she farts rainbows and poops diamonds, and swears I’ll never witness her do it. We’ve all dated a few of those. Well, in a new relationship, your first reaction to that, is that she’s going to be grossed out if YOU do it. That being said, when she would stay over, I would go out of my way not to fart in front of her. My laundry room became my special place to hide when I needed to do it, because she never went in there (Thankfully dryers are sealed). I mean God forbid I did it in my room, and it lingered. If she unknowingly walked into a gas chamber, that would just be awful.

So we’d be watching tv just cuddling on the couch, and I’d feel one coming. I’d make up an excuse and quietly sneak off, and into the laundry room I’d go. Thankfully the laundry rooms upstairs, so she just thought I was doing something in my room (I did a lot of things in my room apparently). In the mornings, I’d wait until she got up to go to the bathroom and just like the rest of you, as soon as I heard the door shut, I would pull the covers up tight around me and let it go, hoping she’d stay in their long enough for the smell to go away. This was all well and good, until the day one caught me off guard.

We were just finishing up our regular 6 a.m. routine. Since she took longer in the morning getting ready, she would shower and do her girl thing, while I made us coffee and breakfast, then I’d run upstairs and get ready myself. We finished up and had come downstairs together. She was munching on some toast and looking at her phone, while I poured our coffee. Out of nowhere, like a thief in the night, I got that urge. It didn’t feel like too much pressure, so thinking it was going to be a quiet one, I just let it out. Well, needless to say, my back end had pulled a fast one on me. Instead of a silent little breathe of wind, this thing came out with a fury. I kid you not, it literally sounded like the roar of an African lion. Mid bite into her toast, her eyes shot up at me, and I went white. Expecting some sort of horribly negative, and grossed out reaction, I did the only thing I could think of, and with a surprised look on my face just said “What happened?” I don’t know what in my right mind possessed me to think “What Happened?” was an appropriate reaction, given the volume level of that fart, but in my state of panic, I figured better that, then admit to it.

The next one or two seconds were dead silence, me quietly dreading her response to my lack of manners, and her just staring at me, that half-eaten toast just dangling in her fingers, then it happened. She started laughing. Not just some little nervous giggle, but a belly laugh so hard she started to tear up. For like 30 seconds she just stood there and laughed at me. I was shocked. She had defied my expectations. This woman, who refused to let me believe she went number two, was now all-out cracking up in front of me over a fart, and it was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. No negative or harsh reaction, no scolding, just laughing at me, like it was the funniest thing ever, and I was perfectly okay with that. A boundary was crossed and no prisoners were taken, and our comfort level with each other, rose just a little bit more.

She later told me she thought it was funny the way I tried to act like it didn’t happen. She then told me she was used to it, because her dad and brothers fart in front of her all the time. Maybe a woman with brothers, is the exception to the rule in this case, or maybe for us MILLENNIALS it’s just not a big thing. Either way her reaction was perfect. She still swears up and down she’ll never do that in front of me, and I try not to make it a habit of doing it in front of her. I do so, more for manners sake than the fear of her reaction if I do. I’ll admit that every now and then, I’ll feel one coming while she’s with me, and instead of holding it in, I’ll push it out, just so I can see and hear that adorable laugh again. The way she reacts to that moment, reminds me that she accepts me as I am, and makes me love her even more. Yes, farting is gross at times, and the smell can just make it worse, but the fact is we all do it. So when that moment comes with the person you’re with, no matter your personal views on farting, or where you are, accept it. It happens. Don’t scold them, or make them feel embarrassed, and don’t make it a big deal. Just laugh, because let’s face it, whether your five years old or 40, farting is funny to most of us.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

5 Signs You Have Captured Your “Unicorn”

      Let’s start with defining what a “Unicorn” actually is, in the metaphorical sense. Most definitions you read will describe a unicorn in superficial terms, as a woman who is so beautiful, she stops you in your tracks. She will literally be the most beautiful woman that you’ve ever seen, who will 9 times out of 10 never give you the time of day. A true “Unicorn” however in my opinion is something very different. The term “Unicorn” is basically the millennials slang for “The One”. A true unicorn is not a person, but a feeling of pure oneness with another human being. They may be beautiful, average, or unattractive, by society’s standards, but they will be absolutely perfect for YOU.
      There is no standard for a prototypical unicorn, because what defines a unicorn to one person, may be different for someone else. The reason we call it a unicorn, is because the idea of finding your perfect partner seems almost unfathomable. The reality is that most of us will go through our lives, never finding that person that truly checks every box on our list of intangibles our perfect mate will possess. This is why the term “Unicorn”, is so accurate a word to use in the aspect of finding your “One”. Because when you find this person, it will be a feeling, and a vision of love you have never seen before. It will seem magical, because it will be a spiritual connection that you have never felt with anyone else. Unlike finding and capturing the mystical unicorn, capturing your unicorn is not impossible. Finding your “One” is not a fantasy, but a real possibility. Below are some signs you can look for in a partner, to help you know if you have captured your “Unicorn”.

They are Your Vision of Perfection
     Do you look at that person you’re with, and honestly get that feeling that you have never seen anyone more beautiful in your eyes? Far beyond physical beauty, the beauty you see in your unicorn will go much deeper. You will see beauty in the little things they do, the little quirks, and even their downfalls. Yes, to you they will be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen on the outside, but that is because when you look at them, you will at the same time be seeing what you find beautiful about them within. You can no longer focus on only a part of them because it is the whole of them that makes them the most beautiful to you. In a superficial world, that is rare. If find yourself seeing someone that way, you have something very special. Embrace it, and appreciate it. You have captured your unicorn.

You Communicate on a Different Level
     The way you communicate with your unicorn will be different than any type of communication you’ve had with another person. You will understand each other, because you will connect with one another in a way that allows you to be completely open. Being open will allow you to get to know each other and learn from one another, because barriers will be non-existent. You will have disagreements at times just like any normal couple does, but you will work through them because your connection with them, will overpower your desire to be selfish.
     You will not have knockdown, drag out fights, but at most elevated and passionate discussions that will serve as learning experiences. You will work on meeting one another’s needs together, because you will communicate openly what those needs are. There will never be topics you can’t discuss, and the conversation will not diminish over time, but grow and flourish as you progress as a couple. Communication is the most powerful tool in a relationship, and with your unicorn it will be something you thrive at. You will communicate so well, that at times you will both sit back and marvel at it. You will then find yourselves talking to each other, about how much you appreciate how well you communicate. It seems surreal, but when you find the person you communicate with on that level, what seems unimaginable will suddenly be a very real, and very natural part of your relationship.

You will be the Best You for Them
     There will be no want, or try, in terms of being the best person you can be for your unicorn. You will feel a need to make sure you are. You will value your partnership with this person so much, that the selfish ideals of “I am who I am”, or “I can’t change” will not be an option to you anymore. We all have things about ourselves we can be better at, both for us and our relationships. You will work to ensure that you are making those changes and growing. You won’t do it alone, because your unicorn will be working on themselves right alongside you. You will support each other and discuss your downfalls, and work together to improve on them.   Growth in your relationships will be of the up-most importance in your list of priorities. You will be willing to do whatever it takes to give your best for that person, and they will do the same for you. You both will fail at times, because no one is perfect, but you will pick each other up. You will build off of those failures, together and keep working, because there is no such thing as giving up when you’ve found your unicorn.

Talking about Your “Future” Together will not be Scary but Exciting
     Let’s be clear, this is not to say that when you find your unicorn you will immediately start planning your future together. Of course not. Planning and talking are two very separate things. You need to learn about one another and grow together. Your relationship needs time to fully develop, before you begin planning your future together. Talking about it however, is perfectly fine. It's a part of learning about your needs and desires with a potential lifelong partner. With your unicorn, talking about the future will not be a scary thing. It will happen very naturally. You will talk about goals in a life together, where you would live, how many kids you would want, and how you would want your life together to be. Sharing your visions of what you hope for in a future together, will bring you closer as a couple.
     You will also slowly start preparing yourself individually for a future with that person, even if you aren’t consciously aware you are doing so. You will begin to see your life in a new perspective, not of what your future will be alone, but with another person. You may start putting money back, or browsing real estate web sites to get ideas on good neighborhoods and housing prices. Even if consciously you know that starting a life with this person is a ways off, subconsciously you will have that desire to start getting ready for the possibility. You will do this, so when that time does comes you won’t have to wait. Let's face it, you won't want to. This is perfectly normal and nothing to be afraid of. Don’t let yourself get consumed with it, but enjoy it. It’s fun to think about the future, and smart to prepare yourself for it.

The Term “Best Friend” will have an Entirely New Meaning
     Most everyone has that person in their life that they call their best friend. It could be someone you grew up with or someone you met a few months ago. It’s just someone you have that special bond with. This is the person you tell everything to, who knows all of your secrets and understands you better than anyone else. Well when you find your unicorn, she will become your best friend, but in a completely different way. When you combine the qualities you seek in a best friend with the romantic love you have for your partner, it goes much deeper than what you have with any other best friend.
     When your partner becomes your best friend, it means you have reached a level in your relationship where you are completely comfortable and secure with that person. You trust them above any other, and you need to tell them everything. You will not be afraid to be vulnerable, and being completely open and honest with them will be a very natural thing. You will be able to read one another’s thoughts, and end each other’s sentences. This is because your connection with this person will be so strong, that you are able to communicate without even talking. When your unicorn becomes your best friend, you will never look at the term best friend the same way again. This person will be so much more than a best friend, they will be your other half, and in the end that is what a unicorn truly is.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

5 Facts About Your 30's

    It came like a thief in the night and hit me like a runaway train. I can’t stop it, I can’t turn back time, I can’t slow it down, it found me, and has shoved me into a new era…My thirties. That free pass to screw up has expired, and the life that was once a huge party, has turned into a boat load of responsibility. You can never prepare yourself for the changes you experience in your thirties, but here are a few of the ones that stick out the most.

Suddenly the Bar is a Very Lonely Place

    I’m the kind of guy that enjoys a good drink, and it taste even better at my favorite watering hole. When I was in my early 20’s we were there every night. Work? What was work? Work was a place you went to with a hangover and tried to survive until 4pm so you could get home and change and go back to the bar again to cure it. Monday nights were just as fun as Fridays, and all your friends were there EVERY time you were. Going home early meant leaving at 1 instead of 2 and drunk was the thing you were BEFORE you passed out on your stool. Your friends carried you home, your girlfriend was always drunker than you were, and life was perfect. 
   Those were the days. The bar today is an empty place. The bar is a place you go for “Happy Hour” and make sure to make it home by 9 to get ready for work the next day. The 20 friends that used to meet you there have dwindled to 2 or 3 and instead of being the “awesome” people that still party; you are simply the ones that “haven’t grown up”.  What used to be a place of debauchery and fun as turned into a place where you make fun of the “kids” around you that are acting like fools, and killing your buzz and complain about how much you used to love it, in the old days. Well the old days are no more, and the bar has apparently become a place where people “our age” don’t belong.

All My Friends are Now Married and Boring

    As someone that was a part of the married with kids crew for quite a while I can see the other side, and I’ll admit that I enjoyed it, it’s a great life; however now being on the OTHER side you realize how unavailable and boring we were to our single friends who were dying to hang out with us.  It’s a part of life and it will happen to most of us (we hope) but it’s a bummer and a definitive reminder that you are the one that apparently hasn’t gotten your sh*t together yet.

                                     Staying Up Late is a TERRIBLE Idea

    Staying up late used to be nothing. Go to bed at 2 and wake up at 6? NO PROBLEM!!! Now if  I go to bed at 11 and wake up at 7 I feel like hell…My eyes are swollen, my body aches and I feel like I could sleep for days. If I don’t get a solid 8 hours of sleep I’m a zombie at work. Something I didn’t even used to think about, is now something I plan for. Yes, I’m a grown up lights out by 10:30.

Hangovers are Suddenly Real, and I Mean REALLY Bad

    What more do I need to say here…The title says it all!!!

I'm Starting to Sound Like My Parents
    Most people my age have kids now, and if they don’t they want them. Those that do have kids, are watching them grow up, and go to school, and give us hell. We’re starting to talk to them about things we did when we were kids, and living our lives completely confused by their generation. I hate the music the "kids" listen to, and sit dumbfounded at their slang. It’s a given, having kids, or seeing your friends have kids ages you…Yep, we are getting old, soon they will be in college and we’ll go from parents to grandparents to great grand-parents. We can’t change it, but embrace it. It’s a scary thing, but its life.