For most people today, love is found online or through
a friend, but for most 20 somethings the word “love” has become as taboo as “sex”
used to be. The one night stand has gone from something people shamed you for,
to something even women pursue. Those private areas we used to hold precious,
are now proudly put on display for the world to see. Skinny Jeans and dresses and shorts so short
they just barely cover her cheeks and leggings, those ass hugging, form
fitting leggings. Man’s new best friend. Dignity? What’s that? We millennials
have barely even heard the word.
Welcome my friends to age
of openness, where if you’ve got it, flaunt it, and if you don’t, get it
surgically inserted or enhanced. Remember a time when it wasn’t
like this? Of course you don’t. The way you see it, they are teasing you in that skin tight dress, so you will shamelessly drool, and eye bang
them all night. Respect? What is respect when you have zero shame in grabbing
that random woman’s ass and grinding on her in the club? We don’t respect women,
because women don’t respect themselves right? They put it out there, so it’s
their fault that we act this way. Respect and boundaries are two words lost with job
security, and affordable gas prices. Because women dress provocatively? So what you're saying is, they
can’t be sexy because you can’t control yourself? That’s on them? No.
Fact: They don’t dress that way for us, they dress that way for them.
Let’s face it, men are
pigs, and we’re okay with that, because women expect it right? Wrong. They’re
not okay with that, they’ve just gotten so used to it, they’ve given up on
trying to change us. Why do they treat us just like we treat them? Well the old
rule says, if you can’t beat them, join them. She knows you won’t be a
gentleman so she won’t waste her time imagining a relationship. She still has
needs, so she’ll get what she wants and leave. I mean why not, we do it. Those fateful
tables have turned and we men are on the losing end. They don’t value us,
because we don’t value them. We stopped treating them like treasures and
started treating them like trash, and so they do the same. Believe it or not, men aren't winning in this game we are losing. So put away your ego for a few
minutes, and take some advice. This my friends is everything you need to do to
go from fuck boy to boyfriend.
is NOT dead…
Trust me, chivalry is
alive and well and she’s waiting for it. She may pretend she doesn’t care if
you don’t open that door, or pull out that chair, but she does. Inside she’s
already marking points off on her list of intangibles. Women want to be
pampered, and the good ones love a guy who will take the time to put them
first. Open that door, pull out that chair, and pay that check. She may offer
to split it, if she does, great, if she doesn’t, oh well. You’re the man, so
pay. If you want to keep her around, let her know from the get go, that you are
willing to go out of your way for her at every turn.
Focused…Pay attention!
Men can go through
life very oblivious, very easily, but a woman wants you to pay attention.Women
like to talk, and they want nothing more than to be heard. They also want you
to stay focused on them. Have tunnel vision with your date, look into her eyes,
nod, and respond to let her know you’re listening. Be attentive, and show her
she’s the only thing you are interested in and she will fall at your feet. If
you can connect with what she’s saying your even better off, so do your
homework. Be ready to be interactive and
receptive, and it will take you a long way real quick.
doesn’t want a F*ck Boy, she wants a MAN
You really think she wants you more when you act like an ass? She doesn't. She can take her pick of men like that. She may play along,
but she hates it. She deals with it, because by now they think it’s just
the way we are. We've left them convinced at this point that we are jerks by nature. We think it's beneficial to
look and act like we don't care, but trust me you'll get a lot farther if you show her that you actually do.
Women want a mental strength and confidence, but not an asshole. Now don’t get me wrong, there are those women out there that just
want arm candy, and will embrace the asshole, but that won't last forever. If they fall in love, they'll want you to see a softer side. Girls like assholes, but women want men.
Poll a group of women and you'll find that most want a man who is Intelligent, driven, and passionate. They
desire someone who will take care of them and pamper them. They want a man who will work hard during the day, then come home, cook her dinner and hold her at night. They want a man they
can count on to be responsible and trustworthy, and reliable. They want a man
they can count on in times of need. Women will use fuck boys, but they won't love them. Be
aggressive in success, and driven to financial stability, and make a concerted effort to learn how to meet her needs for affection and attention. A strong, stable,
dependable man who is loving and passionate, is like a treasure to a woman. A fuck
boy is and always will be, only good for one thing.
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